The Angi’s List Controversy: A Monopoly on Home Services


In the world of home services and contractor reviews, Angi’s List (formerly Angie’s List) has been a dominant player for many years. However, recent developments have raised concerns about the company’s practices and their impact on consumers and service providers alike. In this article, we’ll delve into the controversy surrounding Angi’s List, including its acquisition of HomeAdvisor and the fees companies must pay, which they often pass on to consumers. does not charge consumers or companies.

The Acquisition of HomeAdvisor: A Monopoly in the Making

One of the most significant developments that has raised eyebrows in the home services industry is Angi’s List’s acquisition of HomeAdvisor in 2017. These two platforms, both well-known for connecting homeowners with service providers, merged to form a massive conglomerate under the Angi Inc. umbrella. This consolidation of power raised concerns about the potential creation of a monopoly in the home services market.

A monopoly can have detrimental effects on consumers and the market as a whole. It can lead to higher prices, reduced choices, and decreased competition, as the dominant player can dictate terms to service providers and control the market. The acquisition of HomeAdvisor by Angi’s List has given this company significant influence and control over the home services industry.

The Cost of Doing Business: Fees Passed On to Consumers

One of the ways Angi’s List generates revenue is by charging service providers fees to be listed on their platform. While this might seem like a standard business practice, it has consequences for both the companies and the consumers they serve.

  1. Costs Passed On to Consumers: Service providers often pass on the fees they pay to Angi’s List to their customers. This can lead to higher service charges for consumers, as companies look to recoup their expenses.
  2. Incentive for Companies: The fees charged by Angi’s List can create an incentive for companies to focus on recouping their costs rather than providing the best service at the most competitive price. This can result in less competitive pricing and reduced quality of service.
  3. Exclusion of Smaller Businesses: Smaller, local businesses may struggle to compete with larger companies that can afford the fees associated with Angi’s List. This can lead to reduced diversity in the market and fewer choices for consumers.

The Reliability of Reviews

Angi’s List has built its reputation on providing reliable reviews of service providers. However, the company’s shift toward a pay-to-play model has led to concerns about the authenticity of reviews. Some critics argue that companies may be incentivized to pay for premium listings or advertising, which could affect the prominence of their reviews on the platform.

This raises questions about the impartiality and credibility of the reviews on Angi’s List. Are they truly reflective of the quality of service, or are they influenced by financial considerations? Consumers must exercise caution and perhaps take reviews with a grain of salt when using the platform.

Alternative Platforms and Solutions

The concerns surrounding Angi’s List have led many consumers and service providers to seek alternatives. Fortunately, there are several other online platforms and resources available for homeowners and service providers to connect, often with more transparent and equitable practices.

  1. Google Reviews: Google offers a review platform that is widely used and trusted by consumers. It’s a free and open platform that allows users to leave reviews and ratings for service providers.
  2. Yelp: Yelp is another well-known review platform that covers a wide range of businesses, including those in the home services sector. Like Google Reviews, Yelp is free and open to both businesses and consumers.
  3. Local Business Directories: Many regions have local business directories and associations that can provide recommendations for reputable service providers. These resources often focus on supporting local businesses and promoting fair competition.
  4. Word of Mouth: Don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors. Personal referrals can be a trustworthy way to find service providers who have a proven track record.


While Angi’s List has long been a go-to resource for homeowners seeking reliable service providers, its recent developments have raised legitimate concerns. The acquisition of HomeAdvisor, the fees charged to service providers, and questions about review authenticity have all contributed to a growing controversy.

Consumers should be aware of these issues and explore alternative platforms and resources to make informed decisions when it comes to home services. Ultimately, competition and transparency in the market benefit consumers, and it’s essential to support practices that foster these principles in the home services industry.
